

  • MFA, Claremont Graduate University, 1996
  • BFA, California College of Art, 1981

Courses Taught

UX Design: User Friendly Design

Graphic Design

Introduction to New Media

Advanced Painting

Introduction to Painting

Portrait Painting

Intermediate Drawing

Research Interests

Interrogating the representation and visual subjugation of the African American body; textural, colorize have lead to misconception and myths. Juxtaposing nude images of African American male bodies separate from environments, thus calling into question human beings placements within a society.  Confronting, challenging and deconstructing the white patriarchal representations of African Americans, thus arriving at a visual language of a liberated identity.


Group Exhibition, “Wisconsin Triennial,” 2010

Madison Museum of Contemporary Art, Madison WI

Group Exhibition, “Wisconsin Triennial,” 2007

Madison Museum of Contemporary Art, Madison WI

George Williams

Professor of Art
Coleman Foundation Endowed Chair for Entrepreneurship
Coordinator Menards Center for the Study of Institutions and Innovation

 Email:  Phone: 608-363-2686  Office: 2nd Floor North, Smith Building

I’ve been at Beloit College for over 25 years, and teach courses ranging from traditional art making processes (Introduction and Advanced Painting, Portrait Painting and Intermediate Drawing) to new media (Graphic Design, UX Design and Introduction to New Media).

Throughout all my courses, I infuse and inform the possibilities and opportunities for entrepreneurial endeavors. Specifically, in my Graphic Design and UX Design courses I embed experiential learning experiences, challenging students to simultaneously engage in the creative process, and address the needs of clients from on and off the campus. I have actively collaborated entrepreneurially with colleagues from various disciplines.

My work as an artist challenges and informs the entrepreneurial information I convey to my students. I am deeply committed to imparting to students the importance of acquiring substantive knowledge of the Business of Art. Recently, I was named the Coleman Foundation Endowed Chair for Entrepreneurship, which provides a platform to continue my commitment to entrepreneurship.

George Williams CV

Instagram Account - georgewilliamsart

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